UKIP now the most trusted party on immigration
The poll shows that 22% of voters most trust UKIP on the issue, with 17% trusting Labour and 11% trusting the Conservatives.
“This poll demonstrates that UKIP’s stance of supporting strong border controls is gaining increased support amongst the British public. It shows how the UKIP message is finding real resonance out there and just how far the party has come.
“UKIP are proud to be the only party which voted against opening the doors to Eastern Europe in 2004 in the European Parliament. Similarly we are fiercely campaigning against the opening of the doors to Romania and Bulgaria next year, something that 82% of respondents in this poll also support UKIP on.
“Our job is to continue to press the fact that whether you vote Conservative or Labour, you still end up with open borders. Only 5% of people believe that the EU should have the final say over who is allowed into Britain yet Cameron and Miliband are fully signed up to this nonsense.”
You can access the poll here.