Sunday, 24 November 2013

Daily Mail poll backs what we've been saying all along on new wave of migrants

Under the splash headline 'Enough is Enough Mr Cameron' the Daily Mail revealed unequivocal polling results showing the British population's opposition to opening the nation's borders completely to Bulgarian and Romanian immigration from January 1.
The poll also showed that despite widespread scepticism of all political parties, UKIP is by far the one that people trust most on immigration, with 22% of those polled choosing us, twice the number of those who opted for the Tories.
So strong is the opposition that most people want the Government to ignore any possible legal sanctions and keep current restrictions in place to "serve the national interest".
Here are some of the key results from the Harris/Daily Mail poll:

On January 1 immigration controls on Romania and Bulgaria expire – allowing nationals of those countries to work freely in Britain. Should we...
Continue to restrict numbers 82%
Abandon restrictions 10%
Don't know 8%

Who should have the final say over who should be allowed into Britain?
UK Government 80%
EU 5%
Other 9%
Don't know 5%

Which party do you trust most on immigration?
Labour 17%
Lib Dem 4%
Another 3%
None of the above 44%
You can see the rest of the poll results here.