Sunday, 22 June 2014

New EFD Group formed in the European Parliament. “We will be the peoples’ voice” says UKIP Leader Nigel Farage

A New EFD Group has been formed in the European Parliament, currently comprising of 7 national delegations and 48 MEPs.
UKIP Leader and EFD Group President Nigel Farage said: “I am very proud to have formed this Group with other MEPs and we undertake to be the peoples’ voice.
"We will be on the front-line working for the restoration of freedom, national democracy and prosperity across Europe. Expect us to fight the good fight to take back control of our countries' destinies.
"We have struggled against much political opposition to form this group and I am sure it will operate very well.  Now it is formed I expect other delegations to join soon.”
Beppe Grillo of Italy's Five Star Movement said that: "It is a great victory for direct democracy."
The Group will meet in Brussels on the afternoon of Tuesday 24th June and is comprised of MEPs from: UKIP, Italy’s Five Star Movement, Lithuania’s Order and Justice Party, the Sweden Democrats, the Free Citizen’s Party of the Czech Republic, the Latvian Farmers’ Union and an Independent MEP from France.